Oracle Data Pump (expdp, impdp) in Oracle Database 10g onward
- Before export or import, You have to create a directory for an object, it can access. The directory object is only a pointer to a physical directory, creating it does not actually create the physical directory on the file system of the database server.
- A data pump is a logical Backup, You can back up only table, schemas, database, indexes, database link and anything that depend on your wants.
- within script exp or expdp, You can add parfile, include, exclude, content and write script(Query) on your own, I think that is very useful for me.
- You can rename tablespaces or table names or owners of objects by remap command when you import data pump.
Table expdp/impdp
Schema expdp/impdp
DB expdp/impdp
Remap expdp/impdp
***Note*** ***.par file, You can use everything as a table, include, exclude, dump file, logfile,…******in this case, I showed 2case as a table and include*** ***Example*** expdp system/passwordadmin#345 directory=exp_dir parfile=tables1.par dumpfile=eeeowner_qas.dmp In a file tables1.par (for tables) tables=eeeowner.bmx_project,eeeowner.bmx_l_cluster,eeeowner.bmx_l_st_item,eeeowner.bmx_l_strategy, ***you can use parfile for include, You have to identify syntax like as below.*** ***if you have a single file*** ***End Note*** |