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Migration Oracle Database 11g with export datapump

Plan Migration Oracle Database 10g from M8000 to Oracle Database 11R2 on EXADATA

I would like to share the knowledge workshop that I did, I hope this knowledge, it’ll be helping somebody, neither more nor less.

Migration Database
No. Task Detail (M8000)  Task Detail (EXADATA)
1 create database 11g(
2 gen script creates tablespace
3 gen script create TEMP tablespace
4 create tablespace
5 Check and change memory target xG
6 Check and create a new redo log sufficient
7 Manage Tnsname
8 copy and edit the standard script and take## don’t run (Crontab)
9 Ask SYSTEM Team, Disable backup RMAN, EXPORT @M8000 and EXADATA
10 Keep Object for Compare after import finish (3 form)
1) count object
2) count object divide status
3) show object INVALID
11 Gen script create user
(username,password,default_tablespace,temp tablespace, profile)
12 Gen script create grant system privilege, check quotas tablespace of user
13 Gen script grant object privilege
1) grantable=YES
2) grantable = NO
14 Grant script create synonym (3 form)
1) synonym with out DB_LINK
2) synonym with DB_LINK
3) synonym with DB_LINK and without table_owner
15 Genscript create profile
16 send result all script, that you’ve gen to new machine
17 refresh mview (if you have)
18 check active session
19 alter system set job_queue_processes=0
20 close listen via srvctl
21 shutdown and startup restrict;  via srvctl (for RAC)
22 export by expdp with parallel=6
23 ftp or scp dump file to new Machine
24 Received dump file from Old Machine
25 alter system set job_queue_processes=0
26 drop all user without about SYS (if you do test before)
27 grant create database link,create view,create synonym to resource;  ()
28 Run script create profile
29 Run script create user
30 Run script grant system privilege to user
31 alter user about quotas
32 import parallel=6 and exclude about SYS or other user show create db
33 Check error and edit
34 Run script grant
35 Run script create synonym
36 Gen script compile object  (INVALID) (function,trigger,procedure,package,package body,java,view)
Run script compile
37 compile object type(JAVA) manual
38 Compare Data
39 check refresh time of Mview
40 Close audit
41 Open archive
42 Set job queue process = xxxxx, set db_files, set process
43 Ask  system team change ip scan for RAC or EXADATA
44 Enable crontab script (2node)
45 enable export and ask system about  RMAN backup (Application third party)
46 config listener Backup
47 Ask system do backup Config with third application
48 start listener backup
49 registered database @EXADATA
unregistered database @M8000
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